21 Days of Fabulous Day 16: Going to camp!

9:33 AM

Hello girls! I had a video planned for today, but mommy and I both are feeling quite ill. 
All week, we have been checking the mailbox to see when our Camp Doll Diaries welcome letters and registration forms would come. Well- they came! Like I said mom and I both are feeling ill- so neither of us bothered to take pictures. (Sorry) 
Anyways, mommy volunteered a few weeks ago to be a Camp Leader/ Counselor. With Kanani and Lindsey's help, she was able to come up with the cabin name of: Crazy Cupcakes. 
And guess what else? We are all in the same cabin- Crazy Cupcakes! That means mommy is our leader though. Should I be worried? I mean mommy is cool- for a mom that is. 
Camp DD starts pretty soon. After we mailed of our registration forms, we decided to make a checklist of everything we need before we left, this is mine: 

Abagaile's Camp Checklist:

Picture via Janie Jumps on Etsy

Our new shorts that we purchased yesterday are a must! 

Picture via Our Generation 

I will also have to bring my purple sleeping bag from Our Generation. 

Picture via American Girl 
My guitar is something I absolutely can't live without! 

Hmmm....looks like I will have to do some shopping too! 

Are you going to camp? 


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3 lovely comments

  1. I'm not sure if I'll do camp doll diaries, but I hope I can! I'm kind of doing a camp, it's a all summer long gymnastics try out thingy. And I hope you get better soon!

    1. Thank you! :) We too are doing multiple camps this summer. But the best thing about Camp DD is that it is online. If we miss a day, we can do it the next!

  2. Yes, we are going to! So excited! I really like your new background! Very cute!
    Adollable Dolls


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