5 Super Easy St. Patrick's Day Hair Accessories! {perfect pinch protection!}

5:03 PM

Earlier today, there was quite the ruckus in the dollhouse....

Mia, what's wrong?

I have nothing to wear for St. Patrick's Day! 

What am I going to do? I can't get pinched on Monday! 

Never fear, super Lindsey is hear! 
You have nothing to wear on St. Patrick's Day right? 
Yeah..we have like no green clothing!

Well, here is what you need for a super AWESOME St. Patty's Day headband! These are perfect- and cheap! Less than 5$- and the majority we already had on hand! 

  • green embroidery thread- we used three different shades, but you can do it with one or two. (From Micheal's- 37 cents each! ) 
  • elastic (from our local sewing supply store- 2$)
  • shamrock stickers (2$ at Micheal's) 
  • scissors 
  • tape 
  • sewing machine/needle and thread (not pictured) 

First, cut three super duper long strands of thread the same size. Tape them to a table or something. We taped ours to the windowsill. 

Braid all the way down and secure tape at the end. 

Here Mia, let me measure this on your head to see how much we'll need. 

Now, after I wrap the braid around her head to measure, I cut my measurement in half- then cut elastic slightly less than half of the braid. (hope this makes sense!) 

Now, my favorite part! Sew the edge of the braid to the elastic. We recommend using a zig-zag stitch if you are using a sewing machine.

Oooh! That is super cute Lindsey! It will look perfect with my outfit tomorrow! I can still have pinch protection and be fashionable- without looking like a leprechaun. 
Try it on! Let's see how it looks! 

Wait.. I know! What do you think? I added a clover sticker! 

It looks more St. Patrick's Day like thanks Lindsey! 
No prob Mia! And then with the extra we can make...

a matching friendship bracelet! 
Oooh I love it! Thanks! Now I have to go figure out the rest of my outfit....
See ya! 

Hey Lindsey! I was wondering if you could help me organize our new sister's room? Oooh! Are you making St. Patrick's Day crafts? I just Mia's new headband! It's super cute! 
Yeah I am! I could make you a hair tie! Here, take out the one you're wearing now.

These are the supplies I used: 

  • A dark green hair tie (bought in a pack of 100 at Micheal's- $1.50!)
  • shamrock stickers (bought at Micheal's for $2)

First off, tie your hair up with the hair tie. 

Then lets just stick the on here...

It's simple, easy, cheap, and perfect pinch protection! 

Thanks Lindsey! I see you later! 
Okay bye! 

Hey! Mia said you were making St. Patrick's Day hair accessories! 
Yeah, I am! 
Can you make one for me? 

Here is what I used: 

  • a pack of felt bows ($1.50 at Micheal's)
  • bobby pin
  • glue dot (not pictured) 
  • small piece of tape (not pictured) 

Which bow do you want, Saige?
That mint green colored one in the middle! Mint green bows are really in fashion right now.

The bow had an adhesive on it, which fell of immediately. So, we put a glue dot on the bow, put the bobby pin on top, 

Then put a very tiny piece of tape over it. Note that the bobby pin was going up and down. 

Here is how we styled it:
Saige twisted her two front curls and pinned them in the back. (secured with two more bobby pins) 

We put the bobby pin down the center, 

And voila! 

Hey, Saige, what do you think of the shamrock? 
Personally, I like it better without it.
Yeah, me too. 

Oh, there you are, Lindsey! I just wanted to let you know that dinner will be in about ten minutes. 
Okay. Hey, do you have anything to wear on St. Patrick's Day?
I don't really know, I haven't exactly thought about it. 
Hmm...I should a make you a headband! 

Here is what I used: 

  • olive colored ribbion 
Mia's Note: Olive green is super cute with black! 

I measured the ribbon around Kanani's head, making sure there was lots of extra ribbon to tie it. 

Then, I placed it on, and tied it multiple times, so the knot won't come out, but's it's still loose enough so we can pull it on and off our heads without having to untie it. 

Then we add a shamrock!

I love it! Thank you so much Lindsey! But about you? Do you have anything to wear for St. Patrick's Day so you won't get pinched? 
I don't know. 
Well, I'm not as crafty as you are but..

Ta-da! It's pretty simple- just a bobby pin with a shamrock sticker. 
But the simplicity is the beauty of it! 
If you say so! 

Group shot of all of us sporting our new St. Patrick's Day hair gear! 
Come back tomorrow to see how my sister's and I dress for this green holiday! 

Lindsey, Mia, Caroline, Saige, & Kanani.

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