Saige Week- Room Tour!

2:19 PM

Sorry today's post is a bit late everyone. :} 

Anywho! Hi guys! Today I'm giving you a tour of my bedroom...which is also the music and art room, AND Kanani, Lanie, and Abgaile's room too...

Rather then being called "The Music and Art Room and Kanani, Lanie, Abagaile, and Saige's bedroom", this room is just called the Loft. Which, I guess is true because we live on the highest floor. 

Which, is not always very convenient when you are trying to move from one floor to the other. 

Aside from that, we all really enjoy living up here. I think it has to do with the fact that Abgaile and I are best friends, Lanie and Kanani are best friends, and Abgaile a, ind Kanani are very close too. (long story there). So, let's start with the Music and Art room side, of course, starting with Art. ;) So, above is the whole Art area. 

So here is my art desk, which yeah, is pretty messy. But as you can see, I just have some markers, colored pencils, paint sets, notebooks, etc. Also, the harmonica is suppose to be on the shelf it just fell down. 

So, this is the "Music and Art" shelf, which on the top has Abby's harmonica, on the first shelf : my clay, and on the bottom shelf, two trophies. 

I have an easel that displays my balloon painting, and my Art Portfolio (sorry about the glare), and my flower painting. 

Next to my table I have my big easel, which displays the painting I'm working on now- my saddle painting. I'm almost done with it. It also has a cup where I store my paintbrushes, and a tray where I keep my paint. 

Next to my big easel, I have my mini easel (which is actually a chalkboard), and the mini easel has a blank canvas on it. Behind the easel are two other paintings-the horse painting & mountain painting. 

One thing I love about the Loft is that there is never a blank space on the wall. Buy my art area, we have an Ed Sheeran poster, a Frozen poster, a creativity poster,

a random bow (?), two Hunger Games posters, and a Pirates of the Caribbean poster. 

Right by my desk there Kanani's surfboard (which is behind my desk FWI), an art poster, an Imagine Dragons poster, and a vintage looking Pirates of the Caribbean poster.

Now, moving to the music section on the room. 

(I moved my easel so you could see better)
Right next to my messy desk is where Abby keeps her guitar case. Next to it is her piano, with her guitar books next to it. 

On top of the piano, Abby keeps her music, her "boombox" , and on the other side, her iPod. 

Abgaile likes posters the most..I'm not going to talk about ALL these because I don't have all the time in the world, lol. 

Next to my bed is Abagaile's dog, Lucky, and half of my rubber duck collection. 

Ta-da! Here is my bed! Because Molly got her bed from AG, I got her old one! MUCH BETTER THEN SLEEPING ON A BOX! On top there is a horse magazine, my iPad, a Furby, the rest of my rubber duck collection, a stuffed giraffe, and my pillow. 

In between my bed and my sisters bunk bed, we keep our slippers, and Abgaile keeps her pig thing, and in between the nightstand and Abgaile's bed, she keeps a purse with her records inside. 

Here is a closer look at our nightstand, which on top has a lamp, my glasses, Lanie's Discovery KIDS magazie, Abgaile's mystery book, Abgaile's phone, a mini stuffed pig, a water bottle, and one of Kanani's 101 Dalmation figures. 

Here is the big bed! It is a bunk bed with a pull out trundle. Lanie sleeps on the top, Kanani sleeps in the middle, and Abgaile sleeps on the bottom. 

Here is what Abgaile has on her bed, a yellow pillow, a white "bolster" pillow, her American Girl doll, Addy, her "BearPaw", her pig stuffed animal, her purple hamster stuffed animal, and you can't see it, but under her pillow she keeps her diary! 

Moving up! On the ladder we keep purses- Lanie's Junior Ranger bag, my purse, and Kanani's bag. 

Kanani's bed! 

It's dark in there so I have to use flash.
On her bed she has her blanket (the first thing momma ever sewed!), her bag of trail mix, a magazine, a Tiger Beat magazie, a turtle stuffed animal, a purple hamster stuffed animal, an owl stuffed animal (remind's her of Harry Potter's owl), her Furby, and pillow. She also has two Frozen posters. 

Here is another picture so you can see the posters Kanani has by her bed, a Hawaiian Monk Seal, Hawaii postcard, and a map of Hawaii, she also has a paddle boarding poster at the end of her bed. By the bedside table there is also two Hunger Game posters. 

This is our little shelf, where on the top row we have, Kanani's Nightmare Before Christmas figure, Lanie's ladybug jar, and Kanani's Holiday Belle figure/doll. On the first row is where Lanie keeps her four green alien men from Toy Story. The second row has : a notebook, Lanie's nature journal, Meet Addy, Sleepover book, a maraca, and one of Kanani's 101 Dalmation figures. The third row: a rubber ducky, Abgaile's pig flashlight, and Kanani's 101 Dalmation dog figure. Also, you can see some posters: Taylor Swift, inspirational poster, and an Orlando Bloom poster (Lanie and I both LOOOVE him!) Behind the shelf you can barely see Lanie's orangutan poster. 

At the very top is Lanie's bed! She has some Lord of the Rings and Hobbit posters, and a bird chart, and a bunny poster. She has a blanket, pillow, some stuffed animals, another pillow, and a bolster pillow also. She has her laptop, another Discovery KIDS magazine, and her flashlight. 

By the side of her bed, she keeps her fox beanie, and her laptop bag. 

So that's my bedroom! Or..the Loft. Whatever. 

See you tomorrow! 


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2 lovely comments

  1. OMG! That's so long! Took me 10 minutes to read it all!

  2. my blog is now


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