Saige Week- The Name & Caring for My Horse!

5:54 PM

So, what's his name you ask? I've decided to name him Smokey Spencer. Or, you know just Smokey. ;) But his racing name is Silvermist. It sounds like a name out of the Warriors book series! Today, I had to take care of my horse!

First, I removed her tack.

Starting with the saddle, then taking off her blanket. 

I petted her because she seemed scared. 

Then, momma handed me a brush to brush out her fur. 

I brushed until her coat was silky smooth! 

Then, I braided her mane. Momma did her tail because she didn't want me to be near her rear in case she kicked. 

I can't believe there are TWO days of Saige week left! 

See you tomorrow! 

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1 lovely comments

  1. Nice name! You're right, Silvermist sounds like a name from the Warriors Series! I love that series:)


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