How to Give Your American Girl TEMPORARY Highlights!

4:12 PM

to make ridiculously AWESOME doll highlights. 

Soo..what do you need?

Well, YOUR DOLL. (hopefully it was obvious enough...)
-bobby pins (I suggest 3 for good measure)
-clip in highlights (for girls) we got ours at the Dollar Store.

So, I think we've all seen these..right? Those cheap hair things with the super ugly clips. 

So, mine came braided. I've never seen one not braided, so the first step is to "un-braid" it, I guess.

Now, a few of mine were tangled in the clip (like this one), but a few weren't. So, if your's isn't tangled, you can just take the clip off. BUT..

if yours is, cut it right at the clip.

Then, bobby pin it. I've found that it's easier if you bobby pin it, THEN cut it. 

Brush out your doll's hair so it's all majestic-y looking. 

Near anywhere really, Lift up a small section of your doll's hair. Place the bobby pin in, then let the piece of hair down (so you can't see the bobby pin!)

So pretty!

Molly's working it. 

You can do it into hairstyles, like as you can see Molly's is braided, or you can just leave it down. You may have to cut the highlight to fit your doll's hair. 


Enjoy your new highlights! 

PS: To get them out- just remove the bobby pin!

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