Molly's Birthday Extravaganza! {Part 1}
4:44 PM
Oh yeah! That's right! IT'S MY BIRTHDAY EVERYONE! So, everyone is all ready for a huge carnival/ circus party right? WRONG! It rained today. So, the party is being postponed until tomorrow....but...that is a good thing too ya' know...I GET MORE CAKE!
So, flashback! I'll show you how *most* of my day went. ;)
Uhhh...I what time is it?
Errrr..what was that?
I better get is...
Good morning Nani! Enjoying lurking in the kitchen?
I am highly enjoying in Molly!
I think that's Bennet. You better go check on him.
I will, but what were those dangerous noises I heard?
What? What noise? I didn't hear anything. Nope. Nothing. Errrr I have to go.
Well Bennet, that was strange.
I wonder if somebody bought some new cereal. Let's go see!
Oh wow! Look at all those presents!!
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