It's a bit much..

4:36 PM

So I was going to post a one of those doll reviews you know, unboxing it and all...recently I have become obsessed with those types of blogs, like Never Grow Up and The Toy Box Philosopher! But then I was's a Monster High doll! It's out of place on an American Girl doll blog. Don't ya think?

So, I'm just going to send the post to Never Grow Up (if they accept guest posts, I haven't really looked into it yet..maybe tomorrow)

Anyways, so I was looking at the calendar and I thought Molly's circus extravaganza was next Friday. But it's this Friday.


So, all day I've been wrapping ity bity presents that I found at Goodwill, or made..and earlier my mom and I made carnival food (thanks MyFroggyStuff) like corn dogs, lollipops, hot dogs (and buns!) tons of pretzels, unicorn lollipops, donuts, donut holes, and...well I think that's it. But total, I think there is around 14-15 total items we made..we have yet to paint them. Ug.

So, today, as I was wrapping some doll sized goodies, I was like..does anybody else do this? Am I crazy?  Well...I think I am....

I actually have a Big Top Tent for the party. There will be circus acts, cake, treats, goodies. The whole thing! 

I actually never had party like that for me! I haven't had a birthday party in a long time too, now the tradition is going to the American Girl store. :)

So, what I'm trying to ask is AM I INSANE? Does anybody else throw huge parties for the dolls? I don't..this is the first time, actually. So, now, I guess, I'm doing it for you guys. :0)

I mean, I've seen some posts on doll's birthdays, and they have a little plastic cake, and they get a little doll. Cute, cute, cute! Then, blog's like Pleasant Piper, or Super Inky, they have bigger parties.

I haven't seen something like this's scary...

I have too much time on my hands.

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5 lovely comments

  1. I never threw birthday parties for my dolls; for one thing, I never set dates for their birthdays; and another thing is that it wouldn't be worth it if I did the whole thing by myself. Now that I have a blog on which to share it with everyone, I might start doing parties. :)
    However, for years in December, I would decorate an evergreen branch for a Christmas tree, hang up stockings, and then wrap little gifts (often homemade) for my dolls. I loved doing that. :)
    Can't wait to see all of your hard work!

    1. My doll's birthday's are just the day I got them. I did a Christmas tradition close to that last year! I had a little tree and I decorated it, stockings, I gave them so presents, it was fun, because I enjoy to decorate their house and create my own little scene. But Christmas was also for instagram. ;0)


  2. If your AG dolls meet and greet the Monster High addition to your collection then the reveal and review post is quite appropriate. Hey, you could throw a welcome to the family party for her and cover two ideas at one time. :-D

    I have not thrown a big party for my dolls. I had a small tea party in January. I may do one for Kaya, apparently her birthday is coming up this week. Just depends.


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