The Halloween Costume Contest

3:39 PM

Hey everybody! :) It's Caroline! I'm so happy to kick off Halloween week- with the official rules of our Halloween Costume Contest! 

YOU MUST Complete the following before you enter; 

1. If not already, please become a public follower of our blog.
2. Make sure it's OK for me to mail you the prizes! 
3. Have fun!

Those are pretty simple steps right? Don't be afraid to ask questions if needed! :) 

And now, how to enter! 

We are treating each entry like a blog post. So, 

-You can have more then one photo! But, you need to have at least one. Please limit total photo number to 5. 

- Include a few sentences about your costume. Having trouble figuring out what to say? Ask yourself this; How was this costume made, what did I use to make it? or, What was my inspiration? 

- E-mail us the photos and description at:   E-mail it to us the exact way you want us to post it! 

- Free advertising! If you'd like, you can go ahead and include a link to your blog, flickr stream, YouTube, Etsy, or whatever else you have! Limit links to three please! 

-We understand some dolls out there want to keep their costumes a surprise until Halloween, and we totally understand! That is why the due date for this contest is Saturday, November 2nd. 

Here's an example: 

Hi everydollie! My name is Lindsey, and I am from the blog ! This year for Halloween I am being a clown! My costume was made by my grandma. 

I love my little hat! 

But, my clown shoes are my favorite part! 

Happy Halloween! 

Check me out:

OR go to my YouTube!



Thank you Lindsey, for the example. Now, we do encourage you to use real links, we are just lazy right now. 

Now, everyone's favorite part, the prizes! 

We have two sponsors, The Cosmopolitan Doll , and Made by Momo Couture . Made by Momo Couture is donating some of her Halloween snacks! You can go click here to check it out. There will be separate posts all about these, so don't worry! The Cosmopolitan Doll will also be donating some Halloween snacks! You can click here to go check it out! There will also be a post about this too. ;) 

So, that's it! Let us know if you have questions! We can't wait to see what you come up with! 

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