Camp Doll Diaries- A Picnic at the Lake

3:20 PM

Caroline told us that today we got to go to the lake! 

This is what I've been waiting for all week! 

"Lake Camp Doll Diaries" is a actually a public lake, but luckily nobody was there today. Can you see the marker behind me? That's the line of how far we can swim out. 

It kind of felt like a beach too, 'cause there was shells everywhere!

Lindsey was being such a chicken and wouldn't come in! 

She sat on a rock instead. No matter how much I begged, she refused to come in! 

We did agree, that she kind of looked the Ariel in the Little Mermaid. You know, that part during the "Part of Your World" reprise where she stands on the rock? Yeah. 

It was also really sad to see at the stuff that washed up on the shore. There was this huge piece of driftwood! 

Zoe came over and posed with me. :) 

Here's a full shot of us. I think I'm going to send this picture to Momma! 

Zoe said her favorite part was sitting down and letting the waves wash your feet. (The boats in the distance caused some waves.)

After a little while, Caroline called us out to eat lunch. 

Isn't it so pretty? Can you see the boat in the background? 

For lunch we had juice, fruit, and sandwiches. 

I took some time to gather shells and pebbles to put in our nature scrapbook! 

I was tempted to get back in, but I just dried off. 

Have you ever been to a lake? What are you doing at camp? 

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5 lovely comments

  1. I love these pictures so much! Me and my girls aren't at CDD yet; school isn't out for me. Looks like you guys are having so much fun!

    1. I actually didn't get out of school until today! ;) Thanks Juliet! I can't wait to see your girls at camp.

  2. What a beautiful lake! I'm jealous- all of the lakes where I live are still a bit cold for swimming!

    1. Hehe! :) This lake was actually freezing cold- but okay for dolls, I guess!

  3. Wow, that looks so fun! I totes want to go to the beach now!!


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