Type My Life

6:28 PM

Hello lovely readers! Lindsey and I are back from our little vacation! :D We had so much fun! (And, yes, we did go to the American Girl store!) but, let me relax a bit and edit some photos and then there will be tons of vacation posts!

Okay, so have you guys heard about "Draw My Life" a TON of YouTubers have don it, but I wanted to do it on Blogger. :P

So here we go! I have a tons to tell so enjoy! Let's go all the way back to 2007:


Well, my grandmother really wanted me to have a doll! Not like a Barbie (I already had tons of those xD) but a doll to love and cherish for well...ever! She really wanted me to have a nice doll because that was her only toy type thing when she was little. We still have it actually!

But anyways, about every other weekend we would go down to her house (she lived about a half hour away) and each time we went during the summer of '07, she would have a new doll brand to show me! I remember looking at the MyTwinn catalog and saying they were creepy, going to Target to see the OG dolls, and she showing me some dolls online.

One day, she showed me an American Girl magazine.

I fell in LOVE!

I remember seeing Nickki saying she was pretty, but wanting a doll that looked like me. Back then, the doll that looked most like me was JLY #19 (now, she is called MAG #19).

About a month later, I received JLY #19 for my birthday from my grandmother. I knew I was going to get her, but still, I was so surprised! I also got some Our Generation clothing. ;) In real life, #19 looks absolutely nothing like me! But we were still best friends!

Now, when I had to name her, I had no idea! But I ended up naming her after somebody I really looked up to, my cousin, Caroline.

A few weeks later, I look Caroline in for show-and-tell at my school! I was so excited! I kept checking my backpack to make sure she didn't fall out or anything. When it was finally time for me to show my doll, everybody loved her! (well, she wasn't so popular with the boys) Right then, my best friend knew she wanted an American Girl too!


 My love for American Girl's was an on and off thing. I would love AG for a few weeks, then onto something else. Caroline and I were still BFF's, but it wasn't like I HAVE TO PLAY WITH YOU EVERY MINUTE anymore.

Around I think....July maybe my grandmother showed me the new American Girl catalog. Featuring the new Girl of the Year.....Mia St. Clair!

It was like love at first sight! 

I really love Mia because she looked just like me! I simply had to have her!

A few months after drooling over Mia, it was once again my birthday!

My grandmother got me Mia also, and her and Caroline were instant BFF's!

At the time, I didn't really understand the whole Girl of the Year thing. So, I didn't get any of Mia's items. But, for Christmas, I got Emily's PJ's, and Emily's Robe. I'm pretty sure those were first AG clothing items I got!

Still though, it was on and off. ;)


2009 was a sort of "not so much into AG" year for me. I still played with them, but I would not even look at the AG catalogs!

Because of the l l a m a.

In 2009 (and a few years after) I had a strong fear of llamas. To this day, I still don't know why!

Now, I'm not sure if this part was in 2009 or 2008, but I'm pretty sure it's 2009:

My grandmother got me my first "AG" dollhouse!

For Christmas (2008, I think), she got me an OG trundle bed.

After that, she got me a nightstand and lamp (from Goodwill) and a dresser (from Goodwill) she got a large cardboard box and decorated it with contact paper. And volia; my first dollhouse for American Girl! I still have it actually, it currently serves as my doll bathroom.


When I first saw Lanie, I knew I needed her for my doll collection! She didn't look like me, it was the fact that she looked so different!

For the first time in my life I actually started saving money!

Which sound ridiculous, I know. But, I never really had anything to save for! Not to mention, I'm really bad at saving. I'd start saving, but then I'd see something else I wanted and would buy that. xD

During the summer, I took Caroline and Mia to England!

So, flash forward, August 2010, first week of school. I finally had enough money to buy Lanie and was going to buy her later that night! My mom was working late, so my grandmother came to pick me up. When I opened the door, I almost screamed! Lanie, was right there sitting on my seat still new in her box! And "early birthday present" my grandmother said.

The funny thing is, my grandmother forgot the keys to our house, but my brother was able to open the fence, so I opened Lanie in the backyard, with my dog barking crazily from the inside, on the verge on tears, in the blazing hot sun.

For my birthday, I got Lanie's accessories, her PJ's, and hammock.

Still, an on and off year.

Also, my best friend, got her very first AG this year! She got a JLY..not sure which number..but she named is Sonali. (Maybe #47?)


2011 was a very busy year for me. I didn't have much time for dolls.

I loved Kanani, but never really needed to get her.

So, November 2011, we had to move. We were given a one month warning to leave. We moved states, and states away. I was so sad. I would never see my best friend again. (My grandmother moved in with us early 2012 by the way)

I decided to put Kanani on my Christmas wishlist, though. I did not AT ALL think I would get her, but I don't know why, but December 2011, I just really fell in love with her!

We moved into our new house three days before Christmas.

On Christmas, my good pal Santa left a rectangular boxed with my name on it. I seriously started crying tears of joy when I opened her.

That Christmas I also got the Our Generation kitchen set, so that's why Kanani is a chef. I thought it was a sign.


McKenna came, and I hated her face mold. That was that.

Still, my love for dolls was on and off.

Over the summer, I read Molly's books. I just loved her personality! I also really did want a historical doll too!

My best friend and I were face chatting, she showed me her new (second) AG doll, MAg #55 named Destiny.

So in early August, my grandmother bought me a Molly doll from eBay with her accessories and dog for 80$ as an early birthday present.

While I was waiting for Molly to come, my best friend and I were (once again) face chatting and talking about doll YouTube videos, and I told her about this girloftheyearstudios video I watched, called "A History of Girl of the Year Studios" it was how Ali and her BFF started their own AGTube.

Zoe and I decided to do that too.

Thus, our YouTube (which just reached 400 subs by the way) AGChloeandZoe was made! :D

No video was actually uploaded until after Christmas, and that was by Zoe ;)

So, when Molly arrived, I was disappointed. Her hair was cut so much! Which they did not tell us. But, I decided to keep her.

Ever since I ordered Molly, my love for American Girl has completely on. (If that makes sense)

For my birthday, we went to the Houston store grand opening! (Even though the opening was no where near the date of my birthday) I had a blast! I brought all of my dolls too, everybody was like "Look at all her dolls!" It was SO funny!

A few days after that, I started my dollstagram account!

For Christmas, I asked for MAG #37. Even though I no longer really cared about getting a doll that looked just like me, #37 did look just like me! I wanted her to "fulfill" my old dream to get a doll that looked just like me. xD

I didn't get her for Christmas, but I did get some money.

That year we went to visit my grandfather for winter break.

He lives near the AG Place LA. So, I went, I got MAG #37, and the Purple Party Dress. I've been to the LA store a countless number of times, so it wasn't really anything "special" but she was the first doll I bought in a store! It was really funny, we waited outside the store (in the rain) for it to open, staring through the window!

I named her Abagaile because that used to be my nickname, so if she was going to be a "mini- me", she needed to have that name! She is the doll that looks most like me, yet still, nothing like me! So, I think AG should call the MAG dolls the "Dolls that Somewhat Resemble Me" or DSME for short. xD


In February, my grandmother and I were going to GoodWill (as usual) and there, in the auction window, was an American Girl doll. I almost screamed! It had always been an unusual goal of mine to buy a doll from GoodWill.

70$ was the price in the bid book. Um yeah...NO WAY! So I left, but the bidding didn't start until Saturday morning.

Finally! It was time for the doll auction! And guess what....the price was lowered to 40$! Yes!

So, when it came time, my heart was pounding so loudly I was pretty sure Mexico could hear it. xD But, Lindsey came home with me for 45$. My grandmother did buy her for me, but I paid her back.

A few days after, I had this random burst of YouTube videos! I had never made one on the account Zoe and I made back in 2012, but I made three a day, with my laptop webcam.

And then, on March 30, 2012. Our AG Adventures was made! Wordpress, that is. My blog started on wordpress.com, and I posted just about every day until April 19, which is when we moved to blogger!

Also, I had been saving to send Molly to the doll hospital, and I got some Easter money, and I was able to send Molly and Lindsey both to the Doll Hospital for new heads!

So, a while ago, my mom and I made this deal, and it was that if I got all A's on my report card, she would buy me Saige.

On the last day of school, I was opening my report card, and yep, there it was, my all A's!My hard work had paid off! My mom was like..wa? You see, she made that deal with me when she didn't think my Science and Math grade could be raised.

So, in a few weeks, I had an eight doll!

And, well, here I am!


That's my story! :D

If you want to do a Type My Life, feel free to! I would LOVE to hear your story!

Also, I have camp next week- all about sewing clothing for the American Girl! Eeek! So excited!


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3 lovely comments

  1. This was so interesting and cool to read! I like the idea. I totally agree with you on DSME. I actually started to laugh when I read that. :)

    Adollable Dolls

  2. Awesome! I totally agree with katie! :D

  3. Hi! This is great!
    Ever since I've been reading about people finding AG in thrift stores and at the Goodwill, I have the urge to go searching myself.


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